By donating to the DEO Clinic, you make the whole community healthier. Will you help us transform your donation into better health when the high cost of healthcare excludes our neighbors? You can be the Good Samaritan providing for the care of a stranger!

Other ways to help:
If you designate DEO, Amazon will donate when you purchase
Let DEO benefit when you shop at Kroger

Would you like to join our team? DEO exists because more than 70 volunteers give their time to help people pursue better lives through better health. The average volunteer gives 3-4 hours once each month.
Physicians and physican assistants evaluate and offer treatment to patients under the Georgia Volunteer Healthcare Program.
NPs, RNs, LPNs, phlebotomists, physical therapists and others - triage and assist patients.
Medical specialists see selected patients who need their expertise.
Non-medical volunteers schedule appointments, answer phones and perform office tasks.
Eligibility Specialists are non-medical volunteers trained by the state to interview prospective patients according to specific criteria.
Translators (English/Spanish) ensure patients and providers have excellent lines of communication for the best care.
Our volunteer coordinator, Martha Wassum works with volunteers to schedule according to their availability each month.
Volunteer with DEO

"No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind."
- Taylor Swift
Provide supplies for patient and clinical care
Donated supplies help us to take the best care of our patients and run the clinic with minimal overhead costs. Here are some of the most common needs:
Care kits - including personal hygiene items for our patients. (shampoo, soap, toothbrush/paste, comb or brush, socks) Full-sized or travel sized are good.
OTC Medications (sealed/unopened) vitamins, hydrocortisone, ibuprofen, triple antibiotic cream, cough drops and sugar free cough drops, allergy meds, nasal or saline sprays.
Office and Cleaning supplies - cleaning wipes, stethoscopes, medium gloves, pens, highlighters, transparent tape, copy paper, garbage bags, paper towels, toilet paper, hand soaps/ gel sanitizers are all frequently used items.
Occasional medical equipment - we have limited storage for these items but sometimes have patients who need items like walkers or shower chairs.
"The more we share, the more we have."
- Leonardo Nimoy